Tribal tattoo with steps

Tribal tattoo

Over hear I'm going to share with you a Tribal tattoo that I’ve made to an old friend. (Well this person still didn't pay back the rest of what he needs to give back), anyway it was a good experience, and he had an old tattoo that he wanted to recover so it was a full arm tattoo.

Damn how it was hard, it took me a really long time to draw it with patience and to focus on some details and measurement... Tribal tattoos are not that easy but step by step you can make it.

I was lucky to find out that this customer had the ability to resist for a really long time to needle which made the process of this tribal tattoo goes faster.
I will leave you with some pictures.

Over here I started with the lining of the full arm tattoo, with many styles also.

Prison tattoos

Prison tattoos 

Hello everybody.

Nice to meet you again with a new hot article about prison tattoos.

As we know a lot of prisoners all over the world get some tattoos inside of the prisons that might remember them memories or put them inside of some big gangs.

 In many prisons of the world, there a different culture, different way to make tattoos and many interpretations for tattoos. For sure it's not safe, why? You know pretty clearly that prison is not a really healthy environment so if we talk about tattoos, they make it with DIY tattoo machines and ink or even simply by a needle.

Many people as old prisoners who wanted to cover their tattoos talk about many stories that their tattoos remind them like tattoos to show that they belong to a gang or to particular part inside of the prison or even some memories of prison fights.

Here are some old prison tattoos pictures and covering. 

Wolf tattoo with tribal : 

YL tattoos all right reserved

Wierd tattoo with a nice meaning: 

How tattoos can cover scars

Scars covering 

Turning old scars into beautiful tattoos is an important thing for every tattoo artist to know.

Why? There is many people that had some scars in the past and it remind them of bad memories or also it doesn’t look good or bring insecurities.

What is the solution?  You have to know which tattoo match with kind of place, measurement, dimension, scars and the depth of the needle.

There are sometimes some scars that are hard to cover… Due to the depth of the scars sometimes the needle struggle to put the ink inside of the skin and this is an important part where every tattoo artist has to know which kind of needles to use, voltage and playing with shadow techniques.

It doesn’t seem as an easy task, for sure every tattoo artist doesn’t want to deceive his customers at least if he wants to win good image.

Here we share with you some beautiful tattoos that we made to our dear costumers : 

Eagle tattoo:

Yahia Benabou all right reserved
As you can see over here, my dear costumer's hand was full of scars then the idea from this eagle is that now it changed into a strong eagle getting out of his zone, ripping apart the old zone making his hand looks more healthy, fancy, beautiful and meaningful

Imagination and insipiration tattoos :

YL Tattoos all right reserved
On this one I made a lot of work, it was a little bit hard but after the drawing and having the agreement with my costumer to change all his scars and old tattoos and more looking beautiful ones.

YL Tattoos All right reserved
As you see, there is big scars and old wierd tattoos, you know... sometimes not everybody have the chance to get a nice tattoo but there is still a lot of artist who fix tattoos and turns it into a beautiful piece of art. 

Step by step this tattoos getting more hot and interesting. If you ask what's written in Arabic, it means (Look and shut up you s** o* a b****), prison tattoos... you know! Sometimes it's a task for every tattoo artist to change them into better ones.

YL Tattoos all right reserved

YL Tattoos all right reserved

Black panther : 

We hope that you enjoy this article, don't hesitate to let it ottovibrate with others and let them see how tattoos can help others to cover their scars.

Don't hestitate to check other articles.

Enjoy and stay Inked.

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Tribal tattoo with steps